Last Saturday stayed after distance learning of Taijijian (sword). Not memorized--relearning the form I thought to just practice the moves that readily came to me even not always knowing the name nor the description in Yang Taiji Sword transmissions. My long tasseled gift [Needing to get rid of it the cloudhead sword was given to me]. The tassel gets-in-the-way when transferring it or shifting it. I already had a concept that the tassel was a marker for skill or correct movement like tilt of sword or steadiness of movement. Practicing the wheeling moves I asked in my mind, thinking, how to get this out of the way, but wondering How to correctly move the sword. When I move sword [it should have been included but I was just thinking sword as a body I direct--how to instruct the sword]...correctly, the tassel will be out of the way, steady, smoothe.-Ernie Moore Jr.

I tweaked pointing or direction of move--wrist, blade, grip on handle-hilt. Finally, I went faster and it straightened. Hard forced push-in-to the circling and the tassel was part of the movement.-EMJ My Comprehending the move to happen--Place the Mind. Regulate the Breath. Will the move.
Be in the moment. The tassel might indicate when I have a good technique.. So I did again because to get it right by accident and not repeatable was not the thing. I got it again so I No_Know yet might have an improved idea...All moves in their own pace. In fighting, quick, but without losing root or flow and shift. But in form, correct practice of Taijijian (Taiji sword, T'ai Chi Jian, T'ai Chi sword) is some moves faster; Some moves slower.
