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Thread: Sifu Frank's words of wisdom:

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    San Francisco
    Blog Entries

    Sifu Frank's words of wisdom:

    By itself, Kung Fu will NEVER make you a great combat fighter just because you are a student. Let me ask you this, if you have never shot a gun before, will you steady hit the bullseye every single time from the get go? NO. Neither will you be a sharp shooter just because you are using the perfect gun. If the opposite was the case, why would a Gun need you? Why would gung fu need YOU if it is the greatest fighting system ever made? Do you honestly believe all you have to do is point, squeeze the trigger and you’re a master at this tool? If this is what you think, then i have an amazing Island i would love to sell you, for a cheap price, you won’t find this price anywhere on the planet.

    All Martial Art systems are ONLY AS GOOD AS THE PERSON USING IT!..WHY? Because we’re ALL Human Beings, and we ALL have the very same tools. Too many people out there think just because they are now taking a martial art, that somehow they are now dangerous human beings. BULL****!

    If you have NEVER been in more than one fight, then YOU don’t know HOW TO FIGHT. PERIOD. Knowing someone who can fight, does NOT make YOU a fighter. Just because the founder of my gung fu system went undefeated against challengers won’t make me an awesome fighter just because i’m learning his system. Another example is this, just like when we got behind the wheel of a car for the very first time, we sucked at driving for the very first time. Just like everyone else. But in time, with more driving practice, you get better at driving. The same goes for gung fu.

    If you join a Gung Fu Club/School with intentions of becoming a fighter, then you must do what it takes to become a fighter. Sure, do your forms. They won’t have anything to do with your fighting ability, but you should get into pad work, bag work, work many two man, 3 man, or 4 man training drills and participate in lots of sparring. Without this type of training, you are only wishful thinking. - sifu frank
    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    San Francisco
    Blog Entries

    Sifu Frank's words of wisdom:

    Real fighters don't turn to YOUTUBE or the internet to look for opponents. Low life CLOUT CHASERS do this type of stuff. Real martial artists don't get on youtube and TALK. We have videos of our training, video of our students, video of our fights, drills, amongst other interactions in the martial art community. Unless there is BIG money involved to take internet fights, only then do so. Internet CHALLENGE MATCHES are for the kids in the SLOW CLASS of life. For those with special needs.
    Hung Sing Boyz, we gottit on lock down
    when he's around quick to ground and pound a clown
    Bruh we thought you knew better
    when it comes to head huntin, ain't no one can do it better

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