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Thread: The Big Showdown (aka Kung Fu Massacre)

  1. #1

    The Big Showdown (aka Kung Fu Massacre)


    This movie co-stars Kim Bok Man/Chin fu Wan. He was a Tae Kwan Do Master of serious note, who was largely responsible for the spread of Tae Kwon Do in Asia. His kicking ability is well displayed. The person choreographing this film is shown as Yuan Ho Ping. Most of us know him as Yuen Woo Ping. Yuen Woo Ping's choreography is really good for the period. It definitely shows what he can do with actors who have a martial foundation. I think that Master Kim's performance may have had a positive influence upon Yuen Woo Ping and may have paved the way for the use of Hwang Jang Lee in his films. At the time of this film, Hwang Jang Lee was still in Korea making movies.


  2. #2

    I forgot to link the movie:


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