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Thread: Ohhhh…. My ankle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    B-more MD

    Ohhhh…. My ankle

    This past summer I fractured a bone in my foot. A lil’ chip fracture. But now when I spar, about once a month I turn it really bad, like I did last night. Hurts like hell, but no swelling this time. Question, do those ACE ankle supports help any?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Columbus, OH, USA

    Unhappy Bad news

    Sorry about your ankle. If you don't work on training your ankle to balance itself properly you will be more prone to turning it with the brace or not. The brace will help, and it will restrict some motion. Get on a wobble board and work on your balance. Yes, you may have good balance but this is to train your ankle how to react and adjust. It may seem stupid but it will help. A chiropractor can help adjust it. Did you have an orthopedic surgeon check it out? Did you see a TCM doctor to see if he/she can help? What have you done to rehabilitate your ankle.

    Just so you know, I've been the victim of two ankle injuries and my brother just had surgery on his. Not happy in either case. Good luck to you, REMEBER, rehabilitate, retrain that ankle. Otherwise you will suffer injuries all your life. And if you didn't goto a specialist, it may be a good idea.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    B-more MD
    thanks for the thots. I just saw on of those Balance boards when I went to the store today. Don't quite know what to do with it tho if I bought it. The doctor that I went to see said due to the location of the injury it might or might not heal fully and nothing really could be done(i think he thot i only had a HMO). dorsal fract. just below the joint. TCM, might give that a try.

    as far as rehab, nothing formal just lounged around until it wasn't sore and got back to work. during strectching i do pay more attention to it but that's about it. i think i'm gonna deal with this a lil' more serious cuz i dont wanna go thru this every month.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Columbus, OH, USA

    Wobble board

    I'm not sure what wobble board you saw, the one I worked on was a circle to stand on (with both legs) and a half sphere in the middle to place on the ground. It sounds easy to do, but you are suppose to stand on it for a few minutes with both legs.

    However, with a fracture...that needs time, tender loving care, although a TCM, electro thearpy and such may actually help you recover faster. Depending on your insurance, you may be able to get to goto a place to rehab your ankle for just a co-pay. I did with mine...check it out, it couldn't hurt.

    The ace wrap or brace...hmm. I have one that is cotton, reinforced with hard plactic so it never loses it's shape. If this is something you are looking at, it will provide you with support and will also decrease your mobility
    Check with a doctor or thearpist...your insurance may even cover that brace as well.

    Good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    B-more MD
    Thanx, yo. U gave me a lot to thank about.

    The wobble board I saw was just like that I think.

    hopefully, this ankle thing isn't that "serious" and is just me being uncoordinated and accident prone. Seems like the ignore it and it will go away thinking of medicine holds no weight.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    NYC, NY
    When you fractured your foot, on what part of the foot did you fracture it?

    By turning the foot, you mean the sole turning inward?

    I'm asking because the lateral ligaments holding the outside of your ankle and foot are much weaker than the ones on the inside of your ankle. "Sprains" often tear those ligaments, and a little bit of bone sometimes, which don't quite heal back as well as before.

    In all cases, take it easy and work on your balance and strength.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    B-more MD
    Fracture of the top dorsal bone of the foot(not the medical name) right at the joint. I've aggravated it once just stepping back and it "collapsed". Once threw a kick and when I put my foot down, I touched on the tips of my toes and then buckled. But afterwards, walking is not as painful as stretching side to side.

  8. #8
    Sorry to hear about your injury, I did a similar thing about 12 years ago having turned my ankle during a 100m sprint. It was a case of rest and recovery but I also used Comfrey (aka Knit-bone). It worked well for me but it does stain everything green. I stuck to building the strength back up by walking/ hiking and using decent boots for support.

    All the best and I hope you heal up soon

  9. #9

    Unhappy ankle injury...

    Yeah it sucks, doesnt it? I'm still waiting for my ankle to completly recover from training injury last summer, had to miss tournaments. Tore ligament, one doctor thought it caused a bone chip, another thought it was a sprain (doenst feel like a sprain), neither really did anything for it so I've just had to wait it out and take it easy...i couldnt spar or kick until just recently, now working back into it. I took a couple months off this Fall without training at all, no running, just some swimming and cycling. It seemed to heal the most in that time period. Wore an ace type ankle brace for awhile, that seemed to help. My Sifu gave me some home-made potion to put on it but i don't know the ingredients. Good luck, hopefully we'll be off the injured list soon

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    B-more MD
    thanx fellas(ladies? Too, maybe)

    did a lil sparring last night on it felt ok. Not strong but it's still on my mind. I think when the weather breaks I'm gonna try my hand at some running(hate running). So foot came out ok, but I got a finger jammed(slightly) blocking a kick. It's always something

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