What it looks like prana is referring to is a weight training program. I believe that research has shown subjects show greater gains by following this program as it encourages muscle adaptation in a progressive manner. The 1-3 reps is basically at your weight max, ie alot of weight.

My own personal advice falls in with everyone else. Listen to your body. My biggest problems have come from hurting myself and then having to take time off to heal enough to train.

I suggest looking at specific goals for your body and then setting up a light, medium and intense regimen. Basically go a little lighter than you want as you are starting out and as it becomes easier ramp it up. You can train everyday but build up to it by doing three or four times a week for say a month. As you build up whatever attributes you are looking for you can expand that to everyday.

Just some advice from someone who is constantly struggling for the "perfect" workout routine.