We welcome anyone interested in attending our bagua leg seminar.

This is part of the training of the Yin fu/Gong Bao Tian/Liu Yun Qiao lineage of bagua. The initial training is the system starts with xiao kai men (liang Yi) and focuses on conditioning the kidneys, opeining the ming men, and circle walking. Bagua leg is part of the si xiang (2 arms, 2 legs) phase of training. Bagua leg can be done both linear (noncirculer) and at a second level, reintegration of the cirlce walking.

The seminar will be taught by Tony Yang, a formal disciple of Liu Yun Qiao who spen 8 years with him at the Wu Tan Development Center of Taipei, Taiwan.

For further information:


Have a nice Christmas and we look forward to seeing any of you in February.