Nobody said "Kung Fu" like this guy.

Sadly, the only online obits I've found aren't in English.

《猛龍過江》奸角尊賓離世 聶安達留言悼念
香港時間 12月11日(二) 07:51

曾參演過李小龍1972年名作《猛龍過江》的美國男演員尊賓(Jon T. Benn)日前離世。而曾與他在《猛》合作過的香港資深男藝人聶安達(Anders Nelsson)昨日亦有在Facebook留言:「希望Jon安息!我對他的記憶是60年代,他開辦了一 間極速約會俱樂部叫《Up Club》。仲有冇人記得?」之後Anders再貼與尊的舊合照並再次留言:「最後一次與Jon Benn見面是2012年在尖沙嘴一間酒店約會話當年。我們還開玩笑,指我可以在李小龍的傳記片中飾演他( 尊賓)!」

除了《猛》之後,尊賓亦接拍過多部港產片包括《神龍猛探》、《神威三猛龍》及2006年李連杰主演的《霍元 甲》 。2012年,尊亦在羅素高爾(Russell Crowe)與吳彥祖合演的荷里活功夫Cult片《鐵拳無敵》(The Man with the Iron Fists)中客串演出。而他亦曾撰寫過一本名為《Remembering Bruce Lee》及於半山開辦名為Bruce Lee Cafe的李小龍主題咖啡店。

尊賓幾年前接受訪問時亦有提及當年與小龍拍攝《猛》時的經過。他說:「他在很多方面都是一個好人。他指導每 一場戲會令所有人都表現完美。他並沒有劇本,只有一個大綱。在他的指導下,我會得到改善。」






"The Raptors Cross the River", the traitor, the guest died, Nie Anda wrote a message
Hong Kong time December 11 (b) 07:51

"Jingwumen" Japanese male star Hashimoto has passed away last year.
Jon T. Benn, an American actor who has participated in Bruce Lee's 1972 masterpiece Raptors Crossing the River, passed away. Anders Nelsson, a veteran male artist who had worked with him in "Meng", also posted a message on Facebook yesterday: "I hope Jon rests! My memory of him is in the 1960s. He started a fast dating club. Called “Up Club.” Zhong You’s remember?” Anders then posted a photo of Zun’s old photo and commented again: “The last time I met with Jon Benn was in 2012 when I was in a hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui. We were still joking. Means that I can play him in the biography of Bruce Lee!


inRead invented by Teads
In addition to "Fast", Zunbin also took over a number of Hong Kong films including "Dragons and Dragons", "Shenwei Three Raptors" and "Huo Yuanjia" starring Jet Li in 2006. In 2012, Zun also performed guest performances at The Man with the Iron Fists, a Hollywood film by Russell Crowe and Wu Yanzu. He also wrote a book called "Remembering Bruce Lee" and opened a Bruce Lee theme coffee shop called Bruce Lee Cafe in Mid-Levels.

When Zunbin was interviewed a few years ago, he also mentioned the passing of the filming of "Fighting" with Xiaolong. He said: "He is a good person in many ways. He guides every play to make everyone perform perfectly. He has no script, only one outline. Under his guidance, I will improve."

In addition to the distinguished guests, another slap in the face of "Jingwumen", the Japanese martial arts star Hashimoto, also died of lung cancer in October last year.

Anders (right) social network stickers and respect for the mourning. Anders (right) social network stickers and respect for the mourning.
Zunbin (middle) became a friend because of cooperation with Xiaolong. Zunbin (middle) became a friend because of cooperation with Xiaolong.
Anders (left) is in the corner of "The Fierce" guest. Anders (left) is in the corner of "The Fierce" guest.
"Jingwumen" Japanese male star Hashimoto has passed away last year. "Jingwumen" Japanese male star Hashimoto has passed away last year.
Zeng once had a book to share with Li Xiaolong. Zeng once had a book to share with Li Xiaolong.