Hello, I was on a forum and somebody mentioned that it says on your site at the bottom for What is Tiger Balm used for: "It is also effective in relieving headaches due to tension; itching due to mosquito bites; and flatulence." http://www.tigerbalm.com/02_whatis.htm

I was just wondering if you could tell me how it relieves flatulence, and the procedure to use that fix? Everyone knows how it's used for muscle pains and insect bites, but the flatulence is a new one.

Thanks alot,

Paul, a loyal Tiger Balm user

Dear Paul

Sorry for the belated reply. The answer to your question is per below.

Mint Oil and Menthol are aromatic carminatives. Tiger Balm contain Mint Oil and menthol, which have shown to have beneficial effect on gastrointestinal function. After being applied on the affected area topically, the mint's carminative properties work by relaxing the esophageal sphincter though a
local action and thus allowing gas pressure to escape the stomach. (
Reference: Peppermint Monograph, Herbal Companion to AHFS DI 2001 published
by American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Inc USA ).

Hope the above helps.

Thank you for your trust and support in Tiger Balm.

Haw Par Healthcare Ltd

Tony Yong
Regional Manager

I'm not rubbing that stuff down there, I don't care how much flatulence I have!