I hope to find s real sunlutang master
lets say i meet this dude in the park teaching a class
i join the class and on the front mantle is pictures of the dudes grandpa and sunlutang
Now in each picture the dudes facial expression is the same.
Eventually i become the main teacher of the dudes school when he passes away

Then i meet sunlutangs relatives and they kick my ass and i find out the dude learnt the sunlu from a book and mixed it with his kenpo fighting techniques.
Now i looked at this guy like a father and really love sun lu tang style, but i wasted 20 years on halfass practise, and get beaten by someone 20 years my age who only trained for 7 years.

this is fiction, but i plan to learn bagua eventually as i really like what i have seen, and in my hopgar we have some pakua footwork in our drills.
So the above story is some sad ass ****.
Yah so thats my take on this.