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Thread: back and posterior deltoid

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Huntington, NY, USA website:
    I would think cables or power bands, or even chains would increase resistance as the arm goes past level.
    I do "get" that once you go past level, the resistance drops, but if you only go to that point, wouldn't that affect your range of motion as your delts get developed?
    Hence, musclebound?
    Also, even if you are no longer getting maximum contraction, (meaning you have achieved max contraction, and now the power curve lessens)aren't you still developing the delts more completely?
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  2. #17

    TenTigers, I agree with you.

    If a muscle can create movement through a certain range, it follows that it should be strengthened for that entire range.

    I have always ignored the no higher that parallel rule. It never made sense. The training methods of gymnasts fully develop the deltoids and there is nothing partial about the way they train.


  3. #18
    TT and Mickey

    Good points both; I think the "answer" is relative to the goals in terms of where in the range u r working; certainly doing lateral shldr raises w bands u wud off set the decrease in gravity resistance as u went past 90 deg (cables and chains i don't thinks so unless I'm missing sumthing)

    As far as the why and wherefore, personally I am all for working through the entire available range; although, I like it more in context of functional diagonal patterns - meaning that instead of over-emphasizing pure shldr abduction, I would rather get a diagonal elevation pattern, such as a chopping or low to high or pulling low to high - this way, when u reach end range, it's in context of / supported by the whole body structure, so it is not being asked to work "abstractly" so to speak, and as such less prone to overuse, strain etc.;

    One reason that perhaps there is the "rule" about staying at 90 may have to do w concern is the prevalence of injury related w moving thru full range shldr abduction, that impingment occurs more often above 90...

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Huntington, NY, USA website:
    the reason I mentioned cables, is that they do not depend on dead weight and gravity, but have consistant resistance-although your movement itself will create a curve as well.
    The chains an old-school method of creating variable resistance, and are used as such-let's say you are doing bench press-you attach a heavy chain to each end of the barbell. The chains go all the way down to the floor and pile there. As you lift the weight, the chain is brought up, so more weight is being applied to the bar as you lift them off the floor. Poor man's nautilus. Now, they actually sell chains and attachments.
    "My Gung-Fu may not be Your Gung-Fu.
    Gwok-Si, Gwok-Faht"

    "I will not be part of the generation
    that killed Kung-Fu."


  5. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    One reason that perhaps there is the "rule" about staying at 90 may have to do w concern is the prevalence of injury related w moving thru full range shldr abduction, that impingment occurs more often above 90...
    That's what I'd always heard.
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  6. #21
    It all depends on the person seeking to utilize the technique. That is why options in techniques are encouraged, as long as the stable of techniques from which to draw rely on gross motor skills, are easy to learn and practice and focus on the 4 main targets on an attacker: eyes, throat, groin (balls) and shins.

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  7. #22
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    right here.
    Quote Originally Posted by IronFist View Post
    Huge traps look stupid

    no way bro. im on a personal mission to eliminate my neck.
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  8. #23
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    Jan 1970
    lol dude I just realized you quoted a 9 year old post of mine
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  9. #24
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    Jan 1970
    right here.
    thats ****ing awesome.

    also ... for others who are saying things .... dont go above shoulder level on lateral raises simply because it will **** your shoulders up. im too drunk to elaborate on the physiology, but range of motion does not in any way equate to maximum resistance on isolation exercises. if you are doing rehab / prehab .. . then sure, very light resistance (light dbs / bands) in full range of motion are great for getting blood flowing to the area. however, this same principal does not apply to actual strength training. big compound movements (squat, deadlift, overhead, clean, snatch, etc) are best done in the fullest range of motion in which propper technique can be maintained. this builds functional strength by doing what the body was designed to do with resistance. isolation movements are not the same. these are designed to build muscle / get blood flowing in areas that might be weak / injured. toward this end, time under tension is far more important than intensity, and limiting the range of motion can help toward this end, while also maintaining joint health. ill try to review my post tomorrow, when im not ****ing hammered to clarify.
    where's my beer?

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