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Thread: challenge matches

  1. #91
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Skid Row Adjacent
    Quote Originally Posted by Drake View Post
    Yeah, looks like the Chinese prefer to keep their token whites small and feeble.
    I brerieve the technical term is "token laowai".

  2. #92
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    North, strong and Free
    Quote Originally Posted by wiz cool c View Post
    wow i got my own batch of haters awesome. and they are still trying to come up with a good snap. here is another photo to make you even more jealous. an article they wrote about me in the paper.
    Lemme guess, you're the guy who walks into the club with your shades on too right?

  3. #93
    Join Date
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    Pound Town
    its to hide his round eye. he pretend he is albino chinese with thyroid problem.

    Honorary African American
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  4. #94
    Join Date
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    Columbia, MO
    One time, this guy on the internet tried to disrespect my dojo, so I said:

    and he never replied so I guess I won that match.

    Also, I'm the guy that wears shades to the club. Because I'm on drugs.

  5. #95
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    North Carolina


    Had a weight lifting challenge from some members of the Pagans motorcycle club. I lost but lived.

  6. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by Drake View Post
    And don't forget that most of us are grownups, and have been married for several years. Anybody can run around ****ing like a rabbit in heat. That's easy.

    Maintaining a marriage is for adults. You might figure that out if you ever grow up.
    I can't agree with this assessment completely. Most married men have only been with 6 different partners before getting married. I agree that keeping a marriage going is hard especially since many of my friends are divorced. Getting laid like a rockstar ain't easy. You have to work at it unless you're banging any ugly chick that looks your way. My friend recently had sex with a 65 year old cause she was offering.

    Getting married is easy.

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Bondi, Sydney Australia
    An interesting list of challenges:

    I read about a duel Lincoln fought with sabres. He was challenged, so he chose the method.

    Each man stood on his side of a line, 2 lines, a yard apart and fought. Lincoln was very tall, his opponent short. Lincoln won.

    Sigung ran a security business, you kept the job as long as you beat the challengers. His trick was to have his opponent pick a quarter of the space, then he would knock him down in it.

    One of the keys to a good challenge has to be 'the rules'. It gives the recipient an advantage, makes the challenger earn it.
    Guangzhou Pak Mei Kung Fu School, Sydney Australia,
    Sifu Leung, Yuk Seng
    Established 1989, Glebe Australia

  8. #98
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    Honorary African American
    grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
    Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC

  9. #99
    My grandfather was a farmer from Puerto Rico and he was involved in several challenge matches to settle disputes with machetes.

    They would meet in a grassy plain with their sharpened machetes, they would adhere to the old custom of binding their hand or leg to one another with a cord of up to three feet long, and away they went. The match would end when one of them was dead, mortally or severely injured.

    Interesting enough they had techniques to what they did and names for certain movements and attacks with the machete (machetazo= meant a slice or cut, planazo= to strike with the side of the blade, etc) which he taught me in my teenage years.

    They have even developed a hybrid martial art from it called Guazábara here is a video of them practicing machete fighting
    Here is their site
    Last edited by pateticorecords; 05-08-2012 at 02:13 PM.
    Integrated Kung Fu Academy
    Kung Fu - Kickboxing - MMA -Self Defense
    Media, PA -Delaware County

  10. #100
    Join Date
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by wiz cool c View Post
    en good try but not funny
    I thought it was hilarious.

  11. #101
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Do you wear shades for training coz your an M.I.B Agent??? Or coz you're a tool??

    As for challenge matches, nope I have never had one.....I've had fights with people trying to knock my head off, I have lost a few....but it's nothing to be proud of!!

    I have never pushed someone over and bragged about it like I've won a world heavyweight title, or become so ****ed off when others aren't cheering my name either....

  12. #102
    Quote Originally Posted by Chris m View Post
    Do you wear shades for training coz your an M.I.B Agent??? Or coz you're a tool??

    As for challenge matches, nope I have never had one.....I've had fights with people trying to knock my head off, I have lost a few....but it's nothing to be proud of!!

    I have never pushed someone over and bragged about it like I've won a world heavyweight title, or become so ****ed off when others aren't cheering my name either....
    wow you are cool

  13. #103
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    you're too nice to those guys wiz cool. people like to play at martial arts and then get all butt hurt when a fighter puts them in their place. its not patty cake. someone wants to talk a big game and try to humuliate and intimidate you and then they cant handle it when you drop them for their BS.

    imo if someone thinks they are a MARTIAL artist, they better be able to back it up. i dont care if someone is an nice guy or a total douche. if you cant fight, dont pretend you can.

    we need to b!tch slap some granola outa those peoples mouths more often.

    and as for the rest of you, all you long time posters. ive seen most of you brag and gloat so stfu already. who cares if he was trying to get people to share their stories. and who cares if he stuffed some poseurs. i think he should do it more often.

    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

  14. #104
    Join Date
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    Essex Hung Kuen
    Unit 11 Kimberley Works
    Billet road Walthamstow
    London....thats England okay
    Let me know when your coming to knock granola out of my mouth eh?
    I could do with a laugh, people like you disgrace martial arts..... As I said I've never had a challenge match..... Mainly coz no one ever turns up..... You gonna post your kwoon address so interested parties can find you.....I doubt it.

  15. #105
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Ya im gonna fly over seas. And ya i know ur new here and obviously humor deprived. Way to get your panties in a bunch over the internet. I live jn oregon west coast you can pm me when u get here and we can knife fight. and no i dont give martial arts a bad name. Doesnt need me for that. I am however impressed with your very timely rant tho. Good job sport. U cant troll me i troll me
    Last edited by Lucas; 05-09-2012 at 10:57 AM.
    For whoso comes amongst many shall one day find that no one man is by so far the mightiest of all.

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