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Thread: Russian President Vladimir Putin

  1. #46
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Vlad vs. Chuck

    There's a potential celebrity grudge match (or at least a an epic rap battle).
    Vladimir Putin better at martial arts than legendary Chuck Norris!
    Last Updated: Friday, November 15, 2013, 15:25
    Sydney: Russian President Vladimir Putin has been awarded a ninth-degree black belt from the World Taekwondo Federation, a rare honour, which places him above legendary martial artist, Chuck Norris.

    Putin already has a black belt in judo, and this is a recent addition to his list of achievements, reports.

    The world's toughest President, as declared by Forbes last month, known for his disdain of shirts, love of guns and ability to do pretty much everything well has achieved the highest honour in Taekwondo even without practicing.

    Grandmaster Putin is now in fact rated higher on the Taekwondo hierarchy than Norris, who is only an 8th Dan black belt.

    First Published: Friday, November 15, 2013, 15:25
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #47
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    slightly ot

    Putin comes up on like 80 threads so I wasn't sure where to put this. There's vid if you follow the link...
    Black Belt Putin Wired $150K to American Martial Arts Fighter Who Got Pummeled
    March 14, 2014 - 4:39 PM
    By Barbara Boland

    Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a Mercedes-Benz to every Russian medalist at the Olympics - and now a new report reveals that Putin wired American Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighter Anthony Ruiz - $150,000 because of the resilience and strength he demonstrated in a brutal match in Sochi.

    The fight took place in 2012 - Ruiz fought Russian-Bellator's middleweight champion Alexander Shlemenko. For three rounds, Ruiz took a pounding from Shlemenko. It was clear that Ruiz was over-matched.

    "He got the crap beat out of him," said Alexei Zhernakov, the evening's promoter.

    By the end of the third round, Ruiz said, "My nose was broken all the way to the side in the last round. It was brutal."

    Schelemnko said he couldn't understand how Ruiz kept getting up from the canvas, calling it a "mystery."

    But get up he did - earning him the respect and admiration of Putin.

    After the match, Putin approached Ruiz. "You need to fix your nose."

    Two weeks later, Ruiz received a call from an unidentified person asking after his health and well-being. Ruiz told the caller he was fine, and then the mysterious person asked him for his "SWIFT code - the standard means of transferring money between banks, used predominantly internationally," the Bleacher Report article says. "Not knowing what the caller was talking about, Ruiz wen to his bank and asked what it meant. When he found out, he gave the caller his swift code, just to see what would happen."

    Ruiz found out that $50,000 had been wired to his account from the Russian Federation two days after he gave the caller the code. Not believing his eyes, he went back to the bank to verify the transfer "was legitimate. Ruiz got another $50,000 the next day. And then, he received a third $50,000 wire," the article says.

    "The bank was telling me there's some people who aren't all that straight doing transfers and stuff like that," he told Bleacher Report. "I also knew it was coming from Putin, and he's one of the wealthiest persons in the world. So, really, $150,000 ain't that much to him. That's what I'm telling myself to justify it. Sure enough, I kept it in there and left it alone. It was real. It really happened."

    Putin is an avid judoist and a black belt, and he wrote a book in 2004 and starred in a DVD on the martial art. In this Russian Times video, Putin shows off his skills.

    He says he likes martial arts because "victory always goes to the genuinely strongest." "Not chance, but the athlete's own will, and not the team's strength, but personal skill and courage decide each combat's outcome. There is no hiding behind your teammates in martial arts."

    The Bleacher Report says, "Putin is said to be especially enamored with combat sports because of what they reveal about people."
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  3. #48
    Like Western martial artists aren't undercover agents for this guy. They think he is James Bond.

    Next time I go to the kodokan I am going to loot the place!

  4. #49
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    Leaders Number One - Putin's perfume.

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #50
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    Putin shows off his judo skills with team Russia in Sochi

    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  6. #51
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    Merged some Putin martial arts threads here

    If only Trump would do MMA now, America would be great again...or at least on par with Russia.

    Putin to give martial arts master class together with Japanese judokas
    Sport January 25, 17:09 UTC+3
    The president added that he had maintained "good relations with Japanese judokas" particularly mentioning the renowned Japanese Judo master Yasuhiro Yama****a

    © Valeriy Sharifulin/TASS

    MOSCOW, January 25. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has promised to give a master class on martial arts at Moscow State University (MSU) together with Japanese martial artists.
    Putin professes his love for judo and Japanese culture
    On Wednesday, the president met with the students of MSU to congratulate them on Russian Students Day. Given that the president is a judo master, the students presented Putin a black belt. They also told him about the university’s Center for Martial Arts and invited him to give a master class there.
    "If I have time, I will surely call sometime later, bring my friends with me, including those who are this sport’s founders," Putin said.
    He added that he had maintained "good relations with Japanese judokas" particularly mentioning the renowned Japanese Judo master Yasuhiro Yama****a. "We agreed that a regular judo tournament will be held in the Far East in connection with the East Economic Forum," he pointed out.
    Putin added he was glad that Moscow State University, as well as other Russian universities, hosted martial arts tournaments.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  7. #52
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    Apr 2007
    I have it on very good authority that Putin is immortal.
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  8. #53
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Calling out Vlad

    There's a vid if you follow the link. It's the Washington Post, after all.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin gets called out with a Challenge Match.

    Is Vladimir Putin a judo fraud?
    By Derek Hawkins July 18

    Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in a training session with Russia's judo team in Sochi on January 8, 2016. Putin held a friendly fight with the team's Italian coach Ezio Gamba. (Reuters)
    Vladimir Putin’s martial arts skills are the stuff of legend. Thanks to a steady stream of fawning coverage from Russian state media — often repeated uncritically in American news outlets — Putin is widely reputed to be some sort of high-level expert in judo, his abilities so impressive and so well-known that they have become a metaphor for his governing style.

    Putin does possess a black belt, after all, and the 64-year-old Russian president has received multiple martial arts honors from organizations that give out those sorts of things. A quick Google search turns up a huge trove of photos and news footage of him in a white robe flipping opponents on sparring mats with apparent ease. He has co-authored books about judo, and he even starred in an instructional video, aptly titled “Let’s Learn Judo with Vladimir Putin.”

    His alleged martial arts prowess certainly fits with the machismo he projects to the world — a perfect complement to the portraits of him posing shirtless in military fatigues and the tall tales of him wrestling bears and felling Siberian tigers with tranquilizer darts.

    But is Putin really the master he’s made out to be?

    No, says Benjamin Wittes, the editor of the national security blog Lawfare.

    Wittes, who happens to be a martial arts aficionado himself, has chided Putin as a “fraud” and a “phony” and is trying to call his bluff by challenging the Russian strongman to a fight in any location where Putin lacks the authority to have him arrested.

    Wittes issued the initial challenge in fall 2015, at a time when Lawfare was still a relatively small, wonkish expert blog that catered mostly to national security insiders. In the nearly two years since, Lawfare has surged in popularity, breaking stories about the investigations of Russian meddling in the 2016 election and running unforgiving commentary about the Trump administration. Wittes himself has turned into something of a Twitter celebrity and hero to the left, especially after he went on the record in May with his insights about former FBI director James B. Comey’s eyebrow-raising interactions with the president.

    Riding the new wave of popularity, Wittes called out Putin again over the weekend, tweeting a link to his original posts about the hypothetical fight. “Got to be ready for the day when the Kremlin finally calls,” he said.

    15 Jul
    Benjamin Wittes ✔ @benjaminwittes
    Ok, folks. Time for taekwondo. Got to be ready for the day when the Kremlin finally calls.
    Benjamin Wittes ✔ @benjaminwittes
    7:04 AM - 15 Jul 2017

    I'll Fight Putin Any Time, Any Place He Can't Have Me Arrested
    My martial arts challenge to the President of the Russian Federation.
    152 152 Retweets 459 459 likes
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    According to Wittes, a 47-year-old who holds black belts in taekwondo and aikido, many of Putin’s judo videos — and there are lots of them — are bunk. They typically start with some shots of Putin and his sparring partners warming up, then transition into Putin throwing or tackling an opponent. Wittes says Putin’s partners drop to the floor all too easily.

    “At least in the videos I have seen, there are no committed attacks on Putin, and I see no evidence that his opponents are ever trying to get the better of him,” Wittes wrote on Lawfare. “The videos are demonstrations in which he shows off his masculine prowess with them taking what the Japanese call ukemi (defensive falls) for him.”

    In a Facebook post titled “Why Won’t Vladimir Putin Fight Me?,” Wittes put it more bluntly: “Putin is fraud martial artist. He only fights people who are in his power, and they are all taking falls for him.”

    The dark side of Putin’s displays, Wittes wrote, was that they were rooted in his aggression on the international stage and repression of dissidents and minority groups at home.

    Putin’s martial arts background is well accounted for, and he has long advocated for judo and other fighting techniques as a way of disciplining oneself. Whether he’s actually as fierce a fighter as he is made out to be is, of course, a different question, one that few writers other than Wittes have approached with much skepticism.

    Putin’s biographers note that he started practicing judo and the Soviet combat technique Sambo as a teenager in St. Petersburg. In a 2001 interview with NPR, he described his lifelong love of both sports:

    I started practicing this sport when I was 14, and as a matter of fact, what I did start engaging in was something called sambo, which is a Russian acronym for, quote, “self-defense without arms,” unquote, which is a Russian wrestling technique. And, after that, I joined a gym that was teaching judo. And I was what they call a master of sports. We have our sporting ranks, and the equivalent of the black belt I received when I was, I guess, 18, in judo. And all my adult life I have been practicing judo — I guess I can put it this way — and I do love the sport tremendously. And I think that there is more to it than just sport. I think it’s also a philosophy in a way, and I think it’s a philosophy that teaches one to treat one’s partner with respect. And I engage in this sport with pleasure and try to have regular practices still. Yes, still.

    In recent years, Putin has received honorary martial arts awards, bestowed not so much in recognition of his actual skills as for his advocacy. In 2014, an international karate organization awarded him an eighth-degree black belt for his work promoting a form of full contact karate in Russia. The previous year, he was made a grandmaster of taekwondo by the World Taekwondo Federation after a visit to South Korea, even though he doesn’t practice the sport. The Independent noted at the time that he now ranks higher than martial arts expert and action movie star Chuck Norris.

    RT and other state-funded media have enthusiastically promoted those honors and others at every turn, weaving an almost super hero-like persona of Putin that revolves in part around his mastery of martial arts.

    “Who needs bodyguards when you’re this good at self-defense?” asks an RT reporter in a 2008 news clip over video of Putin leg-sweeping an opponent on the sparring mat. “Vladimir Putin shows he’s a politician not to be messed with.”

    Some American outlets, too, seem to revel in the idea of Putin as a caricature of a dictator for whom martial arts are a meme-worthy eccentricity. Doting headlines include: “Vladimir Putin’s Judo Skills Are Better Than Yours,” “Putin shows off by throwing members of Russia’s judo team to the ground,” and “Vladimir Putin Earns 9th Degree Black Belt In Taekwondo, Because That’s What Vladimir Putin Does.”

    Wittes, of Lawfare, doesn’t buy it, and his proposal to fight Putin is not a joke, he says.

    “Putin needs either to fight this reasonably well-trained but not especially expert middle-aged desk worker in a situation in which I’m actually allowed to win without fear of reprisal, or he should face condemnation worldwide as a wuss and a phony,” he wrote. “A truly strong leader doesn’t need to stage displays using lackeys subject to his power.”
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

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