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Thread: Does Bagua circle walking Ruin your eyesight ?

  1. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by pokomkno3 View Post
    maybe there is something wrong with eating too much rice I really don't know

    I got another injection at the VA hospital in 2019 that was supposed to make me immune to a whole bunch of diseases ~ but every since then drinking water causes my throat to swell shut ~ so now drinking water is an unpleasant experience ~ the military is pure evil ~ they ruin everything
    Yeah, "too much rice" is too much starch. You need something to lube it down. If you have problems with your veggies, than how about some kind of fruit? Pineapple can help leach toxins from one's system.

    I bet your problem with drinking water is sodium. It also prevents hydration from getting down to the cell level. Most filtered waters still have traces of medical waste that is in all the worlds water-tables. Try something like distilled baby formula water they sell at walmart for 92 cents a gallon or the more tasty but expensive Smart Water brand that is also distilled. I drink at least a pint (500 mL) before any kilocalorie workout so I don't get cramps...

  2. #17
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    Where Do You Get The Instructions For Doing The Energy Exercise From a Hexagram?


    You call me a troll yet you say everything you do relates to the I Ching, so when asked how do you get how to do an exercise from a hexagram or trigrams you say you don''t know what I mean [who is really the forumtroll]. I No_Know the phrase Ding Shi for Bagua, Pa Kua Chang nor Ch'uan. You said you hold postures and I looked it-up it seems to mean what you said.

    "todays hexagram is 22 ~ mountain above ~ fire below ~ I don't read the I Ching or anything like that ~ I just do the physical qigong exercise."

    What are you given that tells you what to do

    You said You do everything by the I Ching but you don't know what I mean when I say how do you walk by the hexagrams. There's walking slow or fast there's how you step, There's do you take a certain number of steps. Do you pick your feet high. Do you keep your feet close to the ground. Do you slide your feet. Do you put your feet down heel first. Do you put toe-tip down first, ball first side of foot first. Let's try...

    When you are given a hexagram, how do you know what to do just from being told Mountain over Fire. Or being told the hexagram is Grace where do you get what way to walk or transition or what way to exercise from that?

    Your instructor gives you exercises and seems to sometimes relate the exercise to the trigrams or the hexagam. I have not seen exercises being related to the trigrams. So that is nifty to get ways to be or move from trigrams or hexagrams- perhaps tell us about that since that might be significant.

    Basically There's no directions in the hexagrams that directs one to do energy exercises, so what is the relationship between the hours of exercise you might do for a hexagram and how you know what exercise to do? How do you or what you are given derive energy exercises from the names or energies or what? of the trigrams, hexagrams, I-Ching?


    P.S.: Sorr your long writing you worked-on and put-got deleted.-EMJ
    Last edited by No_Know; 06-01-2021 at 03:15 PM. Reason: pokomkno3 was pokomknow3
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by No_Know View Post

    You call me a troll
    I'm having trouble trying to figure out what planet you're from ~
    it's evil to make mockery of someone while they're trying to practice Choy Lay Fut in peace ~ I'm schizophrenic and you are bothering me ~ if you don't leave me alone right now I'm calling the police on you
    Last edited by pokomkno3; 06-30-2021 at 09:35 AM.

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by pokomkno3 View Post
    I'm having trouble trying to figure out what planet you're from ~
    it's evil to make mockery of someone while they're trying to practice Choy Lay Fut in peace ~ I'm schizophrenic and you are bothering me ~ if you don't leave me alone right now I'm calling the police on you
    Yeah, now that he now knows squirrel style and oppossom kung fu he is ready for them. I have a friend that's schizophrenic. She's fine when she does not forget to take her meds. Did you see the Choy Lay Fut video I posted here a few months ago?

  5. #20
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    he will be defeated by gun fu ~ whether he is ready for them or not

  6. #21
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    Defeated By Gun Fu...

    Peace. And perhaps, pokomkno3, someone should be ready for a twenty year joint-lock[-up]

    No_Know Peace.
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  7. #22
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    Muscles And Bloodlines In The Eye Can Be Affected By Torso Tension

    Drop your shoulders and down more and in with your elbows . Augment your practice this way each day for two weeks; your vision might show signs of clearing -Ernie Moore Jr.

    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  8. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by pokomkno3 View Post
    he will be defeated by gun fu ~ whether he is ready for them or not
    The authorities here have a policy to not kill Opposums because they are considered very good pest-control. Any place they live has extremely low chances of Lyme disease because they attract ticks and eat them immediately, with immunity. I have one living under a bridge in my side yard (just like a troll). Really...

  9. #24
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    No Choy Lay Fut


    YinOYan, did not see any video posting except by pokomkno3 signature, of a superbly good moving Bagua transition and a movie that seemed to be of medicine but not Choy Lay Fut, So no apparent Choy Lay Fut, so no evil being done. Enjoy what brings you peace. Offering advice to one who asked for input should not be bothering.

    Monkey holding Bowls Palm Change and Dragon arms out are perhaps the most tension building.

    Do a Non-Swedish massage. apply non-burning heat to your center upper back, clavicles, around the back and sides of neck like warm a towel, or put a towel there and something very warm there. A bag in a bag sort of thing using warm water could be a way to go--increase circulation by reducing constricted areas boloodlines in your eyes do not throb or inflame interfering with your vision and your blurriness might lessen.

    Keep practicing but triple check you are doing the posture as the system says instead of just putting your arms up-it should be more than just putting your arms-up.

    Massage and more relaxed shoulders might help you to practice all you want as much as you like [cough](correctly hopefully or at least a good way, perhaps different alignment than you are doing now).

    Not bothering, Not evil. Leaving. Peace.-Ernie Moore Jr.

    Good alignment in technique to keep vision

    Bloodlines can affect vision

    Peace NoKnow Peace
    There are four lights...¼ impulse...all donations can be sent at to;

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by No_Know View Post
    YinOYan, did not see any video posting except by pokomkno3 signature, of a superbly good moving Bagua transition and a movie that seemed to be of medicine but not Choy Lay Fut, So no apparent Choy Lay Fut, so no evil being done. Enjoy what brings you peace. Offering advice to one who asked for input should not be bothering.
    I told hskwarrior I would post it by the end of the year, and so I did, albeit Chinese New Year, but have not seen or heard anything from him since 10-03-2020. Since then two other people have verified this form is indeed the same one that Lau Bun used to teach:

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by YinOrYan View Post
    The authorities here have a policy to not kill Opposums because they are considered very good pest-control. Any place they live has extremely low chances of Lyme disease because they attract ticks and eat them immediately, with immunity. I have one living under a bridge in my side yard (just like a troll). Really...
    I saw someone doing bad things to an Opossum ~ it was definitely not very nice at all and sadistic ~ they seemed to get great joy from doing it.

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by pokomkno3 View Post
    I saw someone doing bad things to an Opossum ~ it was definitely not very nice at all and sadistic ~ they seemed to get great joy from doing it.
    The big Opossum that lives nearby is very cautious and does not take risks of anyone doing bad things to it, but I can hear the younger ones get up at about 9:00pm and go to bed at about 5:00am. They come close to the patio to clean up leftover bird seed, even when the two kung fu tigers are out there clawing at the metal screen. The white tiger sisters just can't wait for the chance to try sticking their little claws into them...

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by YinOrYan View Post
    The big Opossum that lives nearby is very cautious and does not take risks of anyone doing bad things to it, but I can hear the younger ones get up at about 9:00pm and go to bed at about 5:00am. They come close to the patio to clean up leftover bird seed, even when the two kung fu tigers are out there clawing at the metal screen. The white tiger sisters just can't wait for the chance to try sticking their little claws into them...
    beware of the cruelty to animals cult ~ it's very unShaolin of them ~

  14. #29
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    I stopped circle walking 21 days ago because the back pain is unbearable

    I just realized that all of the sudden I can read without my reading glasses ~ once I realized that, I remembered that when I walked into walmart there was a goth girl walking out with her makeup on and I looked at her and saw her face clearly
    usually I can't see other peoples faces in stores ~ anyway the goth girl caught my attention and I looked at her but I didn't look at anyone else

    realizing that I saw her face clearly I was filled with hope that maybe my eyesight was returning so the next week when I went to the store I looked at other people ~ but much to my disappointment all I saw was a double vision blur

    but all of the sudden I can read without glasses

  15. #30
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by pokomkno3 View Post
    I stopped circle walking 21 days ago because the back pain is unbearable

    I just realized that all of the sudden I can read without my reading glasses ~ once I realized that, I remembered that when I walked into walmart there was a goth girl walking out with her makeup on and I looked at her and saw her face clearly
    usually I can't see other peoples faces in stores ~ anyway the goth girl caught my attention and I looked at her but I didn't look at anyone else

    realizing that I saw her face clearly I was filled with hope that maybe my eyesight was returning so the next week when I went to the store I looked at other people ~ but much to my disappointment all I saw was a double vision blur

    but all of the sudden I can read without glasses
    Maybe its love at first sight! Wonder if you focus your eyes on anything while circle-walking, like your hands or the walls? I had one kung fu instructor that really emphasized focusing on certain things and also expanding peripheral vision. These days I mostly use the techniques for syncing with the best dancers I can find on the dance floor and watching for them to telegraph any moves...

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