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Thread: occupying the centerline

  1. #1
    whippinghand Guest

    occupying the centerline

    What do you think that means?

  2. #2
    Kung Lek Guest
    3rd rail shock? :D


    opening the most available targets with the least amount of effort.

    being in the right place at the right time.

    feildgoal if you kicker is good :D


    Kung Lek

    Martial Arts Links

  3. #3
    Sharky Guest
    being in the right (or most favourable) place at the right time, so your opponent cannot be there.

    What we really need is chicks with a whole new kinda orifice - Fish

    Sharky, I should expect this level of immaturity from you after seeing your post titled "Hm." regarding the woman that lives next door to you. I think everyone who unfortuneatly read that post is a bit more ignorant now for doing so. - Spectre

    All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

  4. #4
    S.Teebas Guest
    ...exactly what it says.


  5. #5
    Martial Joe Guest
    Lets see here...

    If you ocupie a toilet it means your using it...

    So your using the centerline...or taking it...

    IXIJoe KaveyIXI
    I am Sharky's main man...

  6. #6
    Sharky Guest
    **** it s teebass.

    i'm gonna have to start answering whipping hand in the same manner he asks his questions too.

    What we really need is chicks with a whole new kinda orifice - Fish

    Sharky, I should expect this level of immaturity from you after seeing your post titled "Hm." regarding the woman that lives next door to you. I think everyone who unfortuneatly read that post is a bit more ignorant now for doing so. - Spectre

    All i wanted was some RICE CAKES! Now? WE MUST BATTLE.

  7. #7
    whippinghand Guest

    using it.... taking it....

    What does that mean?

  8. #8
    Martial Joe Guest
    It means what it says... :D

    IXIJoe KaveyIXI
    I am Sharky's main man...

  9. #9
    Spectre Guest
    Using the centreline...
    The opponents central axis is always in the same place regardless of our position whether it be straight on or from the side, etc.. By keeping our centreline square to the opponent's central axis we are always able to control the opponent.

    Taking the centreline...
    Take control of the centreline and dominate the opponent by destabilizing his base therefore eliminating his stability and ability to effectively strike back. Attack through to the opponent's central axis where power and stability are stored. Most attackers do not attack directly on or to the centre so many opponent's are not used to defending this kind of attack.

    My opinion of course...I am not sure if this is the type of answer being looked for or not.


    __________________________________________________ ____________

    Continued blessings in your life and your training.

    The key to understanding is to open your mind and your heart and then the eyes will follow.

  10. #10
    Martial Joe Guest I dont have to type...

    IXIJoe KaveyIXI
    I am Sharky's main man...

  11. #11
    whippinghand Guest

    Martial Joe

    I know that won't last for too long, since you're the type of person that needs to show off how much he knows.

  12. #12
    old jong Guest
    I think Martial Joe is more the kind of person who likes to share what he knows.

    Les paroles s'envolent.
    Les écrits restent!...

  13. #13
    Vankuen Guest

    Youre one to talk whipping hand

    I have a feeling you try to let on to everyone else the same thing by not giving out information or giving out just enough to have someone believe that you know what youre talking about; but seeing as how you never give a straight answer, I highly doubt it...not to mention you're a pr1ck about it too.

    But to each their own. You're intentions were good with this thread but as usual your winning personality screwed it all up.

    Here's a thought, and maybe its just me, but why dont you try to be a little more like the other more educated people in here, and actually try helping someone instead of criticizing their every comment.

    "From one thing know ten thousand" - Miyomato Musashi, Book of five rings

    [This message was edited by Vankuen on 11-19-01 at 05:32 PM.]

  14. #14
    Martial Joe Guest
    Thanks Jong...

    Whipping Hand...what are you talking about?

    Give me an example of me showing off...

    IXIJoe KaveyIXI
    I am Sharky's main man...

  15. #15
    Kung Lek Guest
    well, your knee length shorts for a start :D

    hahahahahahaha, kidding...kidding.


    Kung Lek

    Martial Arts Links

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