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Thread: Shaolin vs. Muay Thai

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Shaolin vs. Muay Thai

    They should take up the challenge. They could win if they fight sanda rules. They'll lose if they fight Muay Thai, but then anyone would.
    Thai fighters eye Shaolin
    By Wang Jingqiong (China Daily)
    Updated: 2009-12-01 07:59

    The Shaolin Temple may have sidestepped a challenge to Chinese kungfu, but another prominent school has stepped in to pick up the gauntlet.

    Five famous professional Thai Boxers offered a challenge, claiming that they wanted to "wipe out the Shaolin Temple".

    "Shaolin kungfu is a lie by these monks to Chinese Buddhists, and Chinese kungfu is nothing compared with ours," said one of the five Thai boxers who is ready to take on masters from the famous temple.

    "If they accept our challenge, we'll win 5 to 0."

    But Shaolin responded by saying the provocative words were "ridiculous", refusing to reply to the "secular challenge".

    Zheng Shumin from Shaolin Temple said the temple is a holy Buddhist place where monks' primary concern is Zen practice and they would not get into contests with secular people.

    "We receive so many challenges like this every year, we just don't want to reply," Zheng said. "We think this is hype from the Thai boxers and the organizers of the competition."

    "In the history of Shaolin Temple, we never challenge or agree to fight others," said Zheng.

    However, followers of Emei kungfu, another important school of martial arts in China, considers this a challenge that "any kungfu practitioner with a sense of justice should face."

    Wang Jian, director of the Emei Martial Arts Association, and his senior disciple Huang Lin, entered the contest "to let the Thai boxers know that Chinese kungfu is never easy to beat."

    "I couldn't bear it anymore ... after the public and all my fellow disciples urged me to show them real Chinese kungfu," Wang said.

    "This is not only disrespectful to Chinese kungfu, it is also disrespectful to our nation," said Zhang Ji from Emei Martial Arts Association.

    "As disciples of kungfu, whether from Shaolin, Emei, Wudang, or anywhere else, we should stand up to such defiance," he said.

    The five boxers from Thailand will be in China for the contest on Dec 19 in Foshan, Guangdong province, the hometown of late action star Bruce Lee.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    right there
    god i hope the kung fu boys mop the floor with mt on that day

    I am pork boy, the breakfast monkey.

    left leg: mild bruising. right leg: charley horse

    handsomerest member of KFM forum hands down

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by goju View Post
    god i hope the kung fu boys mop the floor with mt on that day
    Those boys are just talking stuff. They may never be seen or heard from again after this contest. They need to toss away all the rules except that you can't deliberately kill your opponent. Mui Thai is just a funky form of kick boxing where you stand to be injured by yourself as much as by your opponent.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    "In the history of Shaolin Temple, we never challenge or agree to fight others,"
    BBBWAAAHAHAHAHAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Now, that was funny !!
    Psalms 144:1
    Praise be my Lord my Rock,
    He trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle !

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    right there
    werent the shaolin monks a bunch of bandits originally lol

    I am pork boy, the breakfast monkey.

    left leg: mild bruising. right leg: charley horse

    handsomerest member of KFM forum hands down

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    CA, USA
    I thought that Shaolin Temple had guys there that they refer to as "fighting monks"? On the other hand, I also thought not everyone who trains (trained) there was a monk. They should take up the challenge. Though I'd still bet on the Thais, esp. if they are top professionals.

  7. #7
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    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    Officially, it's tough for the institution of Shaolin to accept challenges...

    ...But I've witnessed some challenge matches there firsthand. They are a little more underground, at least they used to be. The warrior monks and folk masters of Shaolin are very proud. They don't take kindly to challengers.

    It was an odd quote for Zheng Shumin to be caught - sort of a gotcha question. Thai fighters frequently come to challenge Chinese fighters. Thai vs. China fights are fairly commonly staged in both countries, using either Muay Thai or Sanda rules. I've met a few of China's national Muay Thai team fighters. This article feels more like a very cagey promotion for this upcoming Dec 19 fight in Foshan. It's already spread to a few other sites on the internet. It's got a great title for viral marketing.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  8. #8
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    Score one for me

    Looks like Bojizhe and I are on the same page. Nice follow up.
    Muay Thai claims to wipe out Shaolin Temple, media hype?
    16:27, December 02, 2009

    Five famous professional Thai Boxers offered a challenge, claiming that they wanted to "wipe out the Shaolin Temple" just before the 2009 Chinese Kung Fu vs. Professional Thai Kick-boxing Competition held Dec 19 in Foshan, Guangdong province, the hometown of late action star Bruce Lee.

    "Shaolin Kung Fu is a lie by these monks to Chinese Buddhists, and Chinese Kung Fu is nothing compared with ours," said one of the five Thai boxers.

    But Shaolin responded by saying the provocative words were "ridiculous", refusing to reply to the "secular challenge".

    Zheng Shumin from Shaolin Temple said the temple is a holy Buddhist place where monks' primary concern is Zen practice and they would not get into contests with secular people.

    "We receive so many challenges like this every year, we just don't want to reply," Zheng said. "We think this is hype from the Thai boxers and the organizers of the competition."

    "In the history of Shaolin Temple, we never challenge or agree to fight others," said Zheng.

    Emei director stands up in defiance

    However, followers of Emei Kung Fu, another important school of martial arts in China, considered this a challenge that "any Kung Fu practitioner with a sense of justice should face."

    Wang Jian, director of the Emei Martial Arts Association, and his senior disciple Huang Lin, entered the contest "to let the Thai boxers know that Chinese Kung Fu is never easy to beat."

    "I couldn't bear it anymore ... after the public and all my fellow disciples urged me to show them real Chinese Kung Fu," Wang said.

    "This is not only disrespectful to Chinese Kung Fu, it is also disrespectful to our nation," said Zhang Ji from Emei Martial Arts Association.

    "As disciples of Kung Fu, whether from Shaolin, Emei, Wudang, or anywhere else, we should stand up to such defiance," he said.

    Netizen: it is media hype

    When the challenge is hotly discussed on the Internet, a netizen named “Bojizhe” on Tianya Forum, a hot Chinese Forum, said the coverage is not true, just media hype.

    The netizen said he tried to verify the report from Thailand but was told that Kaoklai, the King of Muay Thai, never receive any invitation to attend the 2009 Chinese Kung Fu vs. Professional Thai Kick-boxing Competition and never claimed that Muay Thai could wipe out Shaolin Temple.
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee Chiang Po View Post
    Mui Thai is just a funky form of kick boxing where you stand to be injured by yourself as much as by your opponent.
    If you ever want some insight to the true depth of Muay Thai technique & strategy, I'm just right down the road.
    What would happen if a year-old baby fell from a fourth-floor window onto the head of a burly truck driver, standing on the sidewalk?
    It's practically certain that the truckman would be knocked unconscious. He might die of brain concussion or a broken neck.
    Even an innocent little baby can become a dangerous missile WHEN ITS BODY-WEIGHT IS SET INTO FAST MOTION.
    -Jack Dempsey ch1 pg1 Championship Fighting

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    right there
    he does have some what of a point though

    id rather learn muay thai boran its more complete of a style

    I am pork boy, the breakfast monkey.

    left leg: mild bruising. right leg: charley horse

    handsomerest member of KFM forum hands down

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    St. Louis, MO USA

    Muay Thai to face "real Chinese kung fu"

    The Shaolin Temple may have sidestepped a challenge to Chinese kungfu, but another prominent school has stepped in to pick up the gauntlet.

    Five famous professional Thai Boxers offered a challenge, claiming that they wanted to "wipe out the Shaolin Temple".

    "Shaolin kungfu is a lie by these monks to Chinese Buddhists, and Chinese kungfu is nothing compared with ours," said one of the five Thai boxers who is ready to take on masters from the famous temple.

    "If they accept our challenge, we'll win 5 to 0."

    But Shaolin responded by saying the provocative words were "ridiculous", refusing to reply to the "secular challenge".

    Zheng Shumin from Shaolin Temple said the temple is a holy Buddhist place where monks' primary concern is Zen practice and they would not get into contests with secular people.

    "We receive so many challenges like this every year, we just don't want to reply," Zheng said. "We think this is hype from the Thai boxers and the organizers of the competition."

    "In the history of Shaolin Temple, we never challenge or agree to fight others," said Zheng.

    However, followers of Emei kungfu, another important school of martial arts in China, considers this a challenge that "any kungfu practitioner with a sense of justice should face."

    Wang Jian, director of the Emei Martial Arts Association, and his senior disciple Huang Lin, entered the contest "to let the Thai boxers know that Chinese kungfu is never easy to beat."

    "I couldn't bear it anymore ... after the public and all my fellow disciples urged me to show them real Chinese kungfu," Wang said.

    "This is not only disrespectful to Chinese kungfu, it is also disrespectful to our nation," said Zhang Ji from Emei Martial Arts Association.

    "As disciples of kungfu, whether from Shaolin, Emei, Wudang, or anywhere else, we should stand up to such defiance," he said.

    The five boxers from Thailand will be in China for the contest on Dec 19 in Foshan, Guangdong province, the hometown of late action star Bruce Lee.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    right there
    this has already been posted bubba

    I am pork boy, the breakfast monkey.

    left leg: mild bruising. right leg: charley horse

    handsomerest member of KFM forum hands down

  13. #13
    Chan Tai San Book at

    Quote Originally Posted by taai gihk yahn View Post
    well, like LKFMDC - he's a genuine Kung Fu Hero™
    Quote Originally Posted by Taixuquan99 View Post
    As much as I get annoyed when it gets derailed by the array of strange angry people that hover around him like moths, his good posts are some of my favorites.
    Quote Originally Posted by Kellen Bassette View Post
    I think he goes into a cave to meditate and recharge his chi...and bite the heads off of bats, of course....

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    St. Louis, MO USA
    Oops, my bad. Been offline for awhile and didn't catch it.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I'm going to the local chapter of the knights of columbus and challenging them!

    lol @ the thais for making such a ludicrous approach. They are in a monastery for pete's sake. Go challenge one of the wu guans.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

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