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Thread: Why is your Wing Chun useless in the open range?

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    Why is your Wing Chun useless in the long range?

    I thought I'd start this topic instead of hijacking another thread

    this question is for those who feel WC cannot handle long range. please explain why you feel that way.

    I am not an expert in other's WC, but from what I have seen some of the fundamental things that could lead to a disadvantage at an open range are

    1. fighting in a completely squared off pigeon toed stance, body upright, flatfooted. this probably comes from an abuse of the rooting concept and people want to fight like this. this leads to a lack of mobility, lateral and forward, that will put you at a great disadvantage. hard to get in close when you cannot move easily.

    2. not turning the body when punching. again keeping that squared off stance. this leads to a lack of reach.
    Last edited by Pacman; 04-04-2010 at 10:41 PM.

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