Quote Originally Posted by Niersun View Post
I dont know why i wasted my time.

Obviously, you guys have already made up your mind, instead of training for it back in 90s which would make you guys half decent by now.

Im assuming you guys like your UFC. Jujitsu in that context is a sport, no fouls aloud. Therefore you dont see it, but when you do, you see the other guy needing to take a break before recommencing. I have seen a few UFC fights where someone gets poked in the eye and cant fight for 30secs or more.

Anyhow, if you dont train to take a hit (full contact sparring), then your gonna flinch in the real life situation. Therefore, it is not the technique that is wrong, its the person and the way they train.

Grappling has its uses, but real fights are won with strikes.
i agree with reasoning like this i too don't know why you bother

So you are a half decent fighter then please post your fight record for us to be in awe of........

Oh Snap i have watched a few MMA fights can i play too....how about that japanese fighter who get blinded in a no rules match...he still one though using grappling isn,t that funny

No BJJ is not a sport it is a martial art that tests itself under a variety of rules and competitions, maybe you should try it sometime before making comments about it

As for real fights being won by striking this was put to bed back in the 90's by a variety of people...geoff thompson using judo to beat the cr*p out of people on the doors....SBG coaches Paul Sharp and rodney king posting pages on the net of when they and other cops/security guys used suplexs, double legs and various other throwsto end bad situations....hell UFC fighter lee murrey once ended a bar fight over hear by suplexing a guy trying to hit him with a pool cue