Yeah not enough of those locking moves taught which aren't actually part of the curriculum in the first place..

Here's a newsflash for those visiting us from parallel worlds...

Yip Man was an unwilling teacher.

He taught because he had to..

He was also smart and saw where the whole CMA thing was going: Commercial.

Anyone who thinks he had any intention of mass popularizing (world wide) his most prized personal possession just doesn't get it.

It's like when you asked your smart azzed uncle to play cards with you when you were a kid.. He says he'll teach you a new game, and you say, great!

He then proceeds to fan the entire deck into the air---and tells you it's called 52 card pick up...

It's up to the intelligent student to put it together, Yip left enough clues for some folks to get a chunk.. But mileage will vary.