Quote Originally Posted by Fei Yan View Post
.....Although Sifu McFarland does have close ties to Lee Kam Wing and Brendan Lai (RIP), Wes Hardy himself never studied with either of them for more than possibly a few hours at a seminar, and definitely could not be considered a student of theirs.

Of Wes Hardys supposed 18 years of experience, less than 5 of those years are with a legitimate teacher and he was never given permission to teach the system. Wes was in fact put on probation from the school for a lack of etiquette and didn't have the strength of character to come back at the end of the 6 months to continue his training.

What we have here is a beginning/intermediate student (wes), passing on his limited knowledge to Sean, who is now attempting to cash in by creating DVD's and websites.

Josh Goessling
California Martial Arts Institute (Formerly North Bay Kung Fu and Karate)
Well said.

Although I have no knowledge of any of the above mentioned practitioners, this does however sum up a number of the Mantis teachers currently in the field.

A little studying here, a seminar or two over there and then poof!!!! A master is born.