Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
The trouble always starts with clueless MMA-ists who frequent these forums and stalk any genuine kung fu practitioner who shows their cluelessness.
It's just that the degree of cluelessness is much higher for some posters than others. For example, Hardwork108's cluelessness quotient is 93.7% - that's the percentage of how often his posts are clueless.
Please don't blame Wing Chun or its practitioners, Dragonzbane who is the forum stalker is flaming his own personal issues, rising among other things, from his cluelessness when it comes to genuine kung fu training.

As for Sanjuro, then he should have known better then to support your statement....
We all just love it around here when you say "genuine kung fu training (TM)". In fact I just automatically add the trademark symbol in whenever you're talking.