"The seven-month review, led by Muir Russell, found scientists at the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit (CRU) did not unduly influence reports detailing the scale of the threat of global warming produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

"We went through this very carefully and we concluded that these behaviors did not damage our judgment of the integrity, the honesty, the rigor with which they had operated as scientists," Russell said."

"In a statement, Jones said he was "extremely relieved" the review was over. "We have maintained all along that our science is honest and sound and this has been vindicated now by three different independent external bodies," he said.

In March, a British parliamentary committee cleared Jones of hiding or manipulating data. A separate review in April by Lord Oxburgh found no evidence of impropriety, but said the scientists involved in the e-mails had been disorganized.

Climate scientist Michael Mann, who was referred to in Jones' email about "Mike's Nature trick,' said he hoped Wednesday's report would put the "bogus, manufactured scandal behind us."

"Human-caused climate change is a reality, and it's about time we get on to a meaningful discussion about what to do about it," he said."

It's about time, really. Of course, we have a couple of big oil pawns on this board who think that BP is being persecuted, oil is somehow an eternal resource (which is, even at the most base logical level, impossible) and that global warming is a myth. Keep lining their pockets, buddy...