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Thread: Relation of Lee Kong's white crane with wing chun and weng chun

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    Relation of Lee Kong's white crane with wing chun and weng chun

    If you see the sap yee jeet lik form, mainly, of Lee Kong's White Crane, you can see a lot of movements shared with the form Sap Yat Kuen of Shaolin Weng Chun.

    The master of Lee Kong, master Cheng Man Lung (鄭文龍) also spent three years to learn White Crane form another master called “Sifu Hairdresser”(梳頭師) in Hong Kong. It's said that “Sifu Hairdresser” ,an unknowed master, was a master from Yong Chun.
    Or the reality is that Cheng Man Lung learn Yong Chun (Weng Chun, not wing chun) from “Sifu Hairdresser”?.

    Then, the Weng Chun was an unknowed style and it's possible that Weng Chun was confused with Yong Chun White Crane.

    Has the Lee Kong's White Crane an influence of Shaolin Weng Chun???

    In you can see a pic of Cheng Man Lung with masters of Shaolin Weng Chun Chu Chung Man, Tang master, ....

    The Lee Kong's White Crane also train with de same Wooden Dummy of Wing Chun/Shaolin Weng Chun and has a similar chi sao.

    What's your opinion?
    Last edited by argaelus; 01-29-2011 at 03:00 PM.

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