Been a rocky year.
After hitting gold's 120 times last year and getting my refund, by March I pretty much stopped going. I got up to 255lbs and then started weight watchers around April. That was going pretty well, until I started working on base. Still, in 2 months I dropped down to the mid 220s.

This summer really killed me. I've driven to Houston 6 times in the last 8 weeks (7+ hours round trip). I'd kinda kept the weight watchers going until around June, when they cancelled my meeting, and tracking my points at home (not allowed to at work) became too much of a hassle. Basically, if my wife has time to cook on saturday or sunday, i eat well during the week, otherwise, it's total disaster as I'm scrounging for food.

Work out wise, i was working out at my friend's mma gym (the btt gym) until I got overheated one day in July, puked all over the place, and haven't gone back.

I only got back up to the mid 230s as of 2 weeks ago.
Tried working out at home, that went okay for a few weeks.
Lots of jumping rope, bodyweight exercises, and cardio on my new elliptical.

Then I joined bodybuilding.com and tried tracking my workouts - total, epic fail.
Their system is too rigid, takes longer to try to wedge my workouts into their format than it would to just type it out.
Last week I don't think I worked out at all.

So, rather than drink & eat myself into Bolivia, i'm trying to stop the downward spiral.

Tonight I hit Gold's again for the first time in forever.

I took it very slow:

15 min warm up on arc trainer
dynamic stretching for at least 10 different exercises, alternating between standing & on the ground.
bench (the bar) 4sets 10reps
squats (the bar) 4sets 10reps - legs started to cramp
bent row (the bar) 4sets 10reps
deadlift (the bar) 4 sets 10 reps

Trying to establish a good workout habit right now, so i feel like it doesn't matter what i do as long as i do something for the next month or two.

The goal right now is jumping rope & calisthenics at home before work, cardio warm up & weights with maybe some bag work at gold's after work

check back in later with more.