Quote Originally Posted by Dr.Harut View Post
So, for example, if I get unethical and childish like Ross and play with his teacher's photo that would be legal yes? Although am not unethical as Ross is.

Am an athlete or supporter,that can be judged live...and I consider myself a practitionar of martial arts since 1976.
omg how old are you? after i had a look at doo wais message board i really thought you guys were kids... the amount of crazy lacy bickering is absolutely staggering... i havent seen enough of the style to really judge for myself, but based on doo wais posts and those who claim to be able to "speak for him" i was left shaking my head... even doo wai acts like a child with the bickering... incredible... unbelievable how petty that board is... i went straight to the last page, saw like 4 legit posts and then after that 95% were jim lacy threads... it doesnt make you guys look good as "ethical" people... if it was me, i would just ignore the guy already, its clear he's a moron, if its even him... whether it is or isnt is irrelevant though. you all walk right into his bull**** headfirst with a very immature gusto... so how old are you? are you a doctor for real? doctor of what?

and why did you ban me from the youtube comments? i dont know what i said that was so offensive but apparently you guys feel the need to censor what is written about your sifu...