Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
I am going to keep my eyes open, even more than usual, it seems...
we will know if you are not keeping the pleats on your chinos well ironed...

Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
That just goes to prove that you can never keep women happy.
people still try?;

Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
I mean not many people complain about someone else driving them around...LOL
my wife drives a WRX Impreza and hates being driven - she gets it from her dad, a soviet era airforce colonel who flew migs in Afganistan - he hates going on commercial flights!

Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
I don't know what is stopping her from driving herself?
I guess it has something to do with security issues related to the fact that she is related to US military personnel?
that is my understanding of it, in a nutshell; it's apparently policy for embassy personell / families to be driven / have some sort of detail when out and about;

Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
Anyway, I am glad that they are enjoying themselves, and I hope that they will have good things to say about Colombia when they return home.
she posts frequently on FB w/a very positive take on the place - and they have travelled to / lived in various countries, so it's a rather well-informed opinion

Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
It seems that many outsiders think that the minute they step off the plane in a Colombian airport, they will be machine gunned by the mafia types, which is a total misconception. Luckily, the good word seems to be spreading about the hidden paradise, that is Colombia, even if this country has its problems, just like other nations in the world.
it's like anywhere: you go to my wife's country, latvia, and despite all the stories of baltic misery you hear, it still functions day to day, and there are many positive things about it; just that the NY TImes only runs stories about how it's economy is gone to sh1t, etc. - nothing about the culture, history, etc.