I am curious as to what equipment KFMers use and how they get the most out of the equipment they spar with. I will break it down into a few categories but if I miss something or anyone wants to add something feel free to.

Category 1: Boxing Gloves, Head gear, Shin Guards, could also throw in chest protector or body protector. This equipment allows for the most hard contact sparring with the least amount of injuries.

Category 2: Foam dipped martial arts sparring gear, usually gloves and shin guards, also head gear. Much less durable than leather boxing products, and used mostly for point style sparring.

Category 3: Pretty much the same as 1, but substitute MMA style sparring gloves instead of boxing gloves. This of course allows more trapping and grappling techniques.

Category 4: No equipment. This can fall into light contact sparring or hard contact sparring (Kyokushin style). This produces the most realistic sparring as it is close to how a street fight with no gear on will go down.

Feel free to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each, what you prefer, why you prefer it, and so on and so forth. I am really curious on people's perspective on this subject. Thanks.