Quote Originally Posted by LoneTiger108 View Post
I am finding this thread a real joke as it seems that as brothers we can't even agree to a unified understanding of Fook Sau!

I also find it funny that nobody has mentioned that another translation for Fook is HIDDEN and it seems the concept of literal translation is still locked away in the Wing Chun vault somewhere in history!

Fook sau is just fook sau, as bong is just bong and tan is just tan. They are all part of a 'seed' that SHOULD unite us all. Unfortunately, even this is just not understood by everyone in the same way. What a shame.

Wing Chun is dying faster than I thought.
Hidden????????? Come on, you can't be serious!!!!!

Fook Sau is a punch, Tan Sau is a punch and Bong Sau opens the way for the punch....simple thinking, intelligent fighting!!!! How can you say fook is just fook and tan is just tan???? Its fundamentally the foundation of the whole system ffs!!!!

The basic disagreement here is whether fook sau is used for developing the concept and correct way of the VT punch or whether its used to sense energy, control limbs and subdue arms. Look at that statement and tell me which idea you would prefer to take into a fight????

If you guys are spent locked up in each others arms for the duration of your chi sau practice then thats ok........pointless but ok if that what you think VT is teaching us. I prefer to use my Chi Sau to develop attributes and then take into sparring to test......There is no rolling in sparring and neither is there prolonged periods of arm contact so why waste time trying to do things in Chi Sau that have no place in fighting?????? THAT'S why VT is dying!!!!!!!!!!