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Thread: What MMA did to Kung FU

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    What MMA did to Kung FU

    What mma did to kung fu was was a very good thing. It essentially broke fighting down into three ranges: striking, standing grappling, and ground fighting. Fighting had always been in these ranges but mma trained the skills of each range specifically. Whether or not each fighter develops skills in all ranges and is freely able to combine them is up to each individual. MMA trains these skill sets without years of forms training and two-man form training. Skills are learned in months instead of years and each person can see himself improving unlike in the Kung fu paradigm. In the kung fu paradigm often forms replace belts.

    MMA reintroduced to Kung fu what bare bones fight training looks like instead of what animals may look like and feel like when engaging in combat. Some would argue that Kung fu training was like current mma training but this argument is destroyed by the word "was". Kung fu says this: "This move can be this technique or this or this. Imagine the technique while doing the form and after that we'll try some of the moves."

    MMA says, "Let's train this technique by actually doing it and then do it against someone resisting.".

    How I've modified my training:
    1. Less time doing forms.
    2. More conditioning.
    3. Less emphasis on trapping.
    4. More training against resisting opponents and less time on compliant short hand drills.
    5. More time getting hit.
    6. Less sensitivity exercises.
    7. More learning sensitivity by reacting to resisting opponents.

    Most of what I posted were things that I've subtracted fromnmy training. How has mma changed your training? Has it changed at all? Why or why not.
    Last edited by SavvySavage; 09-28-2010 at 09:42 PM.

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