Quote Originally Posted by duende View Post
Thanks guys,

Although in regards to movement, I must say that I'm in agreement with Terence.

The only time we step back is to create space for our structure rather than be overwhelmed by oncoming energy on the bridge. With a strong emphasis on maintaining proper range. In our energy understandings, this would a form of nuetralizing the energy or what we call FA.

It is VERY different than just simply stepping back or "running away" from the force. Which can be very easily traced by an opponent and still give you trouble.

Instead we are taught to engage, and take our medicine straight away and not try to prolong the attack, but instead intercept and cut it off.

Nice discussion.
Not moving back is not just a Wing Chun concept, but a kung fu one, with a few possible exceptions, of course.

Keep this concept in mind when you see the next so called "kung fu" man fight in a contact competition......