First, Qi Gong is not a panacea for everything. In the best of situations, it can take much longer than a few weeks to produce lasting changes.

Second, anyone with a medical condition would do better to get the condition under control and then supplement things with Qi Gong. In many cases, after the meds get blood pressure or whatever under control, regular Qi Gong practice can allow the person to reduce or in some cases, totally eliminate the meds over time. But again, it is about being patient and seeing what works.

Third, as stated, not all Qi Gong methods are created equal. In many cases, those with high blood pressure have to be very careful. It is not uncommon for blood pressure to elevate slightly with certain Qi Gong methods. It is for this reason that a good TCM doctor who is versed in Qi Gong is a good bet. The TCM doctor can tailor the Qi Gong practice to fit the person and situation. Also, as things progress, other adjustments to the method of practice may be needed.

It is easier to practice Qi Gong when healthy to maintain health than it is to start a practice of Qi Gong to alleviate a medical problem when the problem is in full swing.