Quote Originally Posted by Hardwork108 View Post
I would humbly said that very few have understood the forms and the principles behind them. That would be a first step before going on to applications.

I would say that Hendrik knows what he is talking about. Everything else is everybody elses problem!
You and humble are not in the same universe. If you like Hendrik, then join his club. You guys can tell each other how beautiful your 'core fundamentals' are.

Oh please don't tell us that you have the super dooper "improved" Wing Chun....

Oh no, that is what the world needed, another modern kung fu style founder....LOL!
No I don't. I have no intention on founding anything or starting any school. I'll leave that to all the 'sifus' out there.

I happen to know people who have used Wing Chun for fighting in this generation.
Yes I know. And you personally know the tooth fairy. Please, introduce us.

Evidence from the real world pretty much shows that NOT knowing the core curriculum never stopped anybody making clueless comments about any given kung fu style!
Which is why you post here a lot.

Hendrik can speak his mind, and he is qualified because he actually PRACTICES wing chun!
Hendrik can speak his mind. I can speak mine as well.

Any discipline has a curriculum. The more complicated the discipline, then the more complicated and profound their curriculum will be........
Because that's what we're after in training a martial art. A "complicated, profound curriculum". It couldn't have anything to do with hand to hand fighting skills.