Hello all,

This is my first time posting on the forum. I wanted to know if anyone can give me some insight on Ark Wong's Five Animals sash ranks.

The reason I am asking is because I've known a gentleman for a while now that claimed that he was a master under Ark Wong, and earned a red sash.

However, from the information I've been able to gather online is that a red sash is a middle rank - below a black sash, and certainly not a master.

The gentleman also claims that he trained for five years until he got his black sash, and an additional four years to earn his red sash, specializing in praying mantis.

I asked him about what I red online about the red sash thing, and he claims that the ranking system must have been changed, and that when he was there it was a rank reserved for a "master" rank.

Can anybody answer this for me? I also have the gentleman's name if anybody that trained under Ark Wong back then (I'm not 100% on the years - somewhere in either the late 1960's thru the 1970's) that might recognize his name and if they knew him or not. I was going to post his name, but decided to wait and see how the forum members feel about that sort of thing before I did.

Thank you