Quote Originally Posted by Drake View Post
No, it isn't. You can try and surprise me all you like. Unless you can spew fire from your mouth, I pretty much have a tool for anything you do. Spontaneous really sounds like an excuse for inexperience. We have tried and true methods because they work. The clinch works, so people are going to go for it. Trying to be spontaneous by using something less effective will end in heartbreak.
I didn't mean spontaneously try to hit with crazy random punches like a tazmaninan devil. Spontaneity, as I was using it, was meant more for being able to change in a situation when the opponent changes. In Japanese it is referred to as henka(variations).

You brought up the clinch so we'll run with that for a bit. Someone clinches and starts kneeing you. So instead of just standing there and getting hit you: 1. Move forward so he can't knee you, 2. Put your arms down to block the knees while trying to maneuver out.

That is the spontaneity I was referring to.

David, if you can't be in this discussion like an adult please leave. Your random sarcastic comments are adding nothing of value.