You forgot to ad this part -

Quote Originally Posted by MightyB View Post
Anyway - I thought it'd be fun to hypothesize on what would happen to TCMA if everyone engaged in regular fight training.

So, how do you think TCMA would "evolve" if fighting (and regularly testing those concepts in competition and combat) became the true focus of Martial Arts?
I'm all for seeing a truer representation of TCMA in the fighting world. As a matter of fact - I'd love it. But I'm not sure that it's possible in the given framework that we're operating out of. Maybe there's a way to get it - but I'm starting to suspect that "styles, forms, flavors" or what have you are imaginary constructs... something to pass the time because -

if we did engage in regular fighting, would we continue in the same way we are going now, or would we modify the approach, and would systems, theories, heirechies change because of that?

If not - then what can we do to get a truer representation of TCMA in the fighting world?