Quote Originally Posted by Iron_Eagle_76 View Post
What I find interesting is the concept that just because something is old, it is good. This couldn't be further from the truth. As time passes, intellect and thought processes grow and expand, making technologies of all sorts greater. If you look throughout history you will see time periods marked by great leaps in technology, intelligence, and and overall cultural shift towards abstract thought.

I believe forms have their place in martial arts. What that place is is determined by the practioner and how he/she develops from these forms. Forms are generally just basics done in a pre-set manner. There are skills one can gain by this practice, but there are other training methods that produce skill at a more beneficial level and rate. Since I'm sure I will be bombarded with people saying that is my opinion, yes, it is. But it also the opinion of those who fight professionally for a living. I'll take their opinion over someone who has never fought in their life.

But in the end, do what you want. Why do we care so much if somone does forms or not, if someone fights or not, if someone has "teh real" Kung Fu or not. Jesus, this sh**it gets old.
In your view, regarding fighting, what is new?
How about the human body? What's new?


I can think of lots of "new" ideas that are utter shyte.

For instance, the harmonized sales tax in Canada. lol
In America, TSA airport policies.
Around the world; "counter terrorism measures"

and so on...

There is plenty of value in many old things.

Take a pyramid on the giza plateau for instance. You show me one building from modern times with the staying power of that one.

Also, last but not least. Bread and Beer.

That's right, I said it, Bread and Beer. Two of the greatest and most aged recipes lost in antiquity and yet, you would never argue that Beer is bad or that Bread is passe.