I was having this discussion the other day with one of the other students at my school. The way we're taught at our school (and most schools I think) is Sil Lim Tao, Chum Kiu, Biu Jee, Mook Jong, and finally weapons. However I began training on the Mook Jong when I was at Chum Kiu level doing the drills I knew at that time. I was discouraged form doing so by my sihings but couldn't understand why. The Mook Jong helps your footwork and positioning WAY more than just doing it in the air or waiting until class time for a partner. It also helps practice movements from the forms and improves those also, so why shouldn't you use it at earlier stages? Looking back now, I should have started using it at Sil Lim Tao level. My footwork would have improved much faster if I did. I also disagree with the order of the forms. To my way of thinking. the Mook Jong should be taught before Biu Jee. Biu Jee is also known as First Aid Hands or emergency techniques. Sil Lim Tao, Chum Kiu, and the Mook Jong really train the core of the Wing Chun system. Anyone have any input on this?