what is wrong with this guy... i love when he says he was tired of pretending he is not "a total frigging rock star from Mars."

priceless... he says he wants to sue... he says he is out of a job and needs to support a fam... what a joke... wheres the other 2 mill per episode??? did he smoke that???

also WTF is up with alex jones giving him the time of day???

heres a bit of credability alex jones style... direct quote from infowars.com website:

Alex welcomes actor Charlie Sheen, star of Platoon, Wall Street, Young Guns, and most recently the CBS comedy Two & a Half Men, to discuss his views on the world, 9/11 and much more. Sheen has joined a growing army of other highly credible public figures in questioning the official story of 9/11 and calling for a new independent investigation of the attack and the circumstances surrounding it.

highly credible public figures
charlie sheen??? WTF is wrong with these people... Alex Jones should be ashamed for that quote...