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Thread: Wing Chun vs. Combination Striking from a Boxer

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    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Northridge, CA

    Wing Chun vs. Combination Striking from a Boxer

    So while watching some videos of various instructors doing Wing Chun vs. Jab, vs. Cross, etc., I tried looking up what some people would do versus combination striking of a boxer.

    The thing is, so many of the videos I find, deal with one punch. I've only seen a couple that deal with drills off of a combination. It'd be great to "end" the fight with one single counter, but we all know thats rarely the case, and the kind of momentum, angle, range and position you and your opponent have can make for a much different ability to respond to certain strikes.

    For instance, you can train for a boxer throwing a hook or an uppercut, but some boxers won't throw that hook or uppercut until they've gotten the chance to get very close to you. We'd all like to be that perfect fighter who never lets them fight their fight, or be in their range, but what about responses when they've managed to do so?

    So, in the interest of discussion, I invite you to post some of the ways you'd deal with some combinations such as, jab-cross, jab-jab-cross, jab-cross-hook, jab-cross-hook-uppercut.

    If you'd like to partake in the discussion, keep in mind the following, before answering:

    - Each strike in the combination may not be thrown at full force, and some may be used more as feinting

    - A boxer can be suited to utilizing angles and footwork in the midst of combinations

    - How a boxer might respond to your initial response, and how you would compensate for that.

    - The Aggressive pressure fighter style of boxing, the technical outboxer or the counter-puncher who waits for you.

    This isn't a Wing Chun Vs. Boxing debate, its a question of whether you deal with these situations in the gym, and/or your experiences in dealing with them on the street, in competition, or in sparring.

    If you have videos, that'd be great. I'll try and upload a video tomorrow of some of the responses I'd have, as someone who does both.
    Last edited by AdrianK; 03-22-2011 at 01:27 AM.

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