For those of you who don't know, I drive a newer model Ford Mustang.

So I'm headed to the arcade and I see a new 392 SRT Challenger. I've not seen one on the street yet, and my wife hasn't seen one at all so we want to get a good look at it. I'm behind it a few cars and I work my way around them, and I'm not driving like a jerk to do it. I slowly pass him on the right and then get over to go left. I didn't rev my car at him, I didn't glare at him, I didn't pace him, I didn't downshift my car, I didn't cut him off when I got over, I drove totally normal. So as I'm stopped in the left turn lane he passes by going straight and flips me off!

So if you live in Austin and you see a new white 392 SRT with blue stripes and a small American flag on the drivers side of the back bumper, tell him he is an ***hole.