Quote Originally Posted by omarthefish View Post

You have never actually trained Baji yourself so I am not really inclined to discuss the issue with you. Your performance is clearly a copy from one of the Wu-Tan guys. IMO, you copied it from Adam Hsu's performance.

I am not a really big fan of Wu Lian Zhi's Baji. (the guy you posted from Tudou.com: 吴连枝)

He's 7th generation? So what? I'm 8th gneration, but more to the point, from a totally different branch. IMO, his Baji is more Pigua power than anything else. I have a whole list of criticisms with his style just as I have criticisms of the Wu-Tan style that Adam Hsu represents, but, since you really don't have any foundation in Bajiquan yourself, I don't see any point in discussing stylistic variants with you.
Then why are you posting? The initial poster have not trained in baji either, are you then wasting your time typing all that stuff up there to him then? What's the point of talking here then? Why don't you go to a special "baji only" forum and talk if your kungfu is so precious and unique that you only discuss it with "baiji practitioners"? Wow, that's lots of confident and self-esteem as well as some "extreme" character you got there man! I see baji from the mouth!