Well, I see Wing Chun as a bit of a Pandoras Box

If you have the correct key you can open and look inside, and then you may just get blown away with what you discover. It will change your life forever.

If you do not have the key you have to force the box open then there is no mystery but the simple construction of a box.

Some people will know exactly what I'm saying here (I hope)

To go on a lifelong journey to be told at the very end that the box you're searching for doesn't actually exist must be quite soul destroying, and unfortunately due to the nature of Chinese Martial Arts and how they have been transmitted to westerners in particular we are all in for a big disappointment! Didn't 'Kung Fu Panda' teach you anything??!!

At least if we can agree there is no one 'authentic' system or recipe held by any of the teachers presently out there or hidden today we can get on with our journey in acceptance of what we have. Authentic teachers, yes, but no one authentic system.

And what we actually have in Wing Chun/Ving Tsun/Wing Tsun/Wing Tjun/Weng Chun/Yong Chun/Eng Chun/Vinh Xuan is a genuine Chinese Treasure