Quote Originally Posted by Vajramusti View Post
((Don't care to get deflected to a discussion of MMA. No reflection on those who do MMA))Joy
Well in that case let's have a good healthy discussion of the necessity of Chin Na techniques within overall "kung fu" and nobody will mention the dreaded "M" acronym.

I won't deflect the conversation too far to point out the mind-numbingly obvious fact that once you do "wing chun" with "another unnamed kung fu discipline that does chin na", you in fact are "mixing" your martial arts. Oh, horror.

But hey, let's not discuss those people. You know, the ones who mix their martial arts. And of course it's no reflection on "those people".

In fact, let's just skip over the mindset akin to racism and just discuss this on the merits.

What merits, you say? Oh, that you might need to develop some skills in clinch, throw, joint locks, takedowns. Oh, we can discuss those. But we have to make sure that we use Chinese terms now. In case we might gravitate too close to discussions related to "those people".