Quote Originally Posted by hskwarrior View Post
Come on now. you reak of "I'm ELITE"......

and i doubt you know about tongan or samoan lovers. i really doubt it.

On earth, there's only one race. HUMAN. all the rest are just Ethnicities. People who judge you based off of class are ELITIST SCUM. no better than anyone on any level you just think you're better than others.

yeah you're right. When you think you're high class, all others are just peasants. But its the peasants who laugh and point their fingers at the weak elitests who can and love to dish out hatred to anything they feel is beneath them which i find ironic as no ELITIST would turn down the assistance of a "COMMONER" if his life were on the line.

There are many poor people out in the world that will know more true happiness than what your money can bring you. shallow as$ weaklings.

Why do you have a chip on your shoulder? Why do you fantasize that being poor and powerless is good. I started out as poor and powerless and changed my situation. I don't care if you say elitist, I say free. Education, money and power give me freedom. Stay proud and caged. KFC is awesome...Today for lunch I had 2 steaks with plum wine. When I was young I got malnutrition. I am so happy now.