"If you can't fight within a rule set, then you're sure going to be in trouble when there isn't one."

I've been seeing a lot of versions of this statement, coming up in the dreadful MMA vs. TCMA battles that go on here, and I wanted to bring attention to it.

Here is the problem I see...Yes, if you train Martial Arts you should be able to handle yourself under any sparring rule set, HOWEVER, you will never handle yourself as well as someone who trains for that particular rule set (unless you're just incredibly awesome ).

A CMA guy should be able to handle himself in an MMA rule set, but he's not going to be competitive with the guys who train specifically for that rule set.

Just as an MMA guy should be able to box, but in a boxing rule set, he's not going to be as good as the competitive boxer.

He won't be winning any TKD point sparring matches either...

To demand a level of skill in an MMA format from CMA's is fair...to demand the same level of skill you demand from an MMA is not fair.

If I keep 'wasting' afternoons training with a spear, I'll never be able to keep up with the guy who trains for the ring... 'Course, my spear-work is bound to be better...

Well, just had to get that off my chest, thanks for reading.