I recently came across what is for me a new training paradigm.

Kaatsu training - or occlusive training.

I have trained with weights for 26 years and only just heard of this although it certainly is not counter intuitive.

Basically you use wraps or a cuff to limit blood circulation in a body part such as the lower arm, calves, full arm or full leg.

Then you do very low resistance exercise for a high rep set - say 4 sets x 20-30 reps with 20% of your maximum weight.

Keep the wraps on for no more than 10 minutes & don't make them too tight.

What you will feel is an immediate pump and what you will see is an immediate increase in muscle girth.

There are a wealth of scientific papers on Google Scholar - just enter "kaatsu", occlusion or occlusive training.

This method of training is very low intensity and is best done 2x per day 6 days per week in addition to normal training. It does not break down muscle tissue like regular high intensity training.

Results are great increase in HGH, muscle hypertrophy, strength increase.

Do some research and check it out for your self.