Quote Originally Posted by mawali View Post
Obama has a point in that he has been in office for 3 years or so but bringing the troops home is excellent as opposed to sending them to fight in a way that many people OKayed (more or less) in the first place.

The psychological battle is worse only because of the deciet of the military industrial complex. Inflation, economy, NAFTA plus the scars of war and when these vets try to find jobs, there is nowhere to go and no one will hire them!
They become vulnerable because they have been lied to and when they try to seek help they are branded as 'cowards'.. Things are changing but they remain the same but it is far worse.

Why would a mortgage institution purpose foreclose on the home of a militay person knowing s/he is deployed to defend the freedom we so eagerly try to protect? Why fire a reserve (IRR) sent for 1 year and claim he never showed up to work knowing his reserve status. This is what many are dealing with!

I know guys who have been deployed between 3-5x but the military is saying they have enough personnel! A big shell game if you ask me. Just venting my patriotism!
These vets have free college and receive a ton of classes on how to market themselves to civilian employers. I'm not going to get too deep into this, but when you have a guy with an unmarketable MOS, who chose to play X-Box or drink during reset (and MANY do), and has the manners of a wild boar, you have a recipe for failure. This is a result of lack of personal motivation.

You can't hire someone as a forklift driver, machine operator, doctor, lawyer, or any other job that pays anything close to a livable salary if they don't know how to do it, even IF they were in the service.

We DO have enough personnel NOW. And we'll be cutting the force here shortly, as we have, historically, after every conflict. I have nobody coming to fill my position here when I leave. The Afghans are on their own in that respect.

I earned my BS, MS, and I'm finishing my PhD - Army paid for everything. If someone CHOOSES not to use that benefit, then they are setting themselves up for failure.