I train about about 5 hours a day, some times more. I start my own training about 5.am to 9:30am in china town. I start off first jogging two or three miles every day. after that I practice standing Chi kung (Yi Ch'uan) and Wai Dan forms of Chi Kung.

I then practice Hsing Yi and Chen Man Ching form of yang style Tai Chi a few times. After I finish practicing my Tai Chi form, most of the time I play Tui Shou with a few of my chinese friends that teach Tai chi.

Some times I get to spar a few of them, but most of the time the only Chinese teachers that will spar are external practitioners. After push hands I go get some thing to eat and go home to get ready for work.

My night practice is all BaGaZhang, I start off with Ba Gua methods of Chi Kung and auxiliary training to develop internal power and effective fighting skills: body conditioning, palm work, kicking sets.

After that I move on to practice form work: the 8 mother palms, 64 palms, freestyle form practice. I finish my practice with 20 mins of sitting meditation. After meditation I come back to the earth dimension of realiity and trun on my tv and play station 2 and get to playing. Because life is also fun."
