Again, Yiquan in a nutshell:

  • Standing stake meditation.
  • Forms that involve wildly flailing the arms with no associated movement past the shoulders - in other words a lack of the whole-body integration one would expect from an "internal" fighting style.
  • A guard that places both elbows consistently level with the defender's chin, leaving the lower body effectively undefended.
  • Elbows stuck WAY out, which any grappler or sword player will tell you is just about the WORST thing to do defensively.
  • Pushing and shoving disguised as throwing (it is not).
  • Cheap, easy to replicate, tricks performed on compliant students used as demonstration of internal power.
  • Protestations that anybody who disagrees "just doesn't know." Which, I'm sorry, don't cut it this time.
  • Ancient = better Orientalism.