the real deal is could you using modern physics to identify how many different type of momenentum generation mechanics exist in Yiquan's standing stake while practice the hun yun lik?
How many is Xing Yi's San Ti Shi? how many in a boxer's punch? how many in an mmA's take down.....etc?

The whole argument would be null in void, and you would be the winner if you would just explain how modern physics explains the many different types of momentum generated during standing on stake. Why havent you?

Simon M, then why didnt someone just post ^ that earlier and end the discussion instead of feeding the arguments? I say let it go. If hes not willing to explain it, one of 3 things is going on.

1. He doesnt know or it doesnt exist. But it does in some ways but not how I understand its being explained.

2. Hes afraid to give the "secret," because hes afraid someone will use it to thier advantage and beat him. In which case is dumb, because if his style is truly internal, he would have an advantage over anyone who starts learning it because hes been practicing harder and longer with a skilled teacher.

3. Or he just doesnt want to share or teach, hes just here to tell people they could never understand it, and go find a teacher and leave it at that. In which case, even if his chung fa is superb, hes no good to anyone here, because no one is learning anything and is just getting frustrated about being belittled.