Quote Originally Posted by BJJ-Blue View Post
Can't feed em, dont breed em.
what about those people who had good jobs then lost everything when some r1ch d1ckhead cashed out his own stocks but forgot to mention the inside info to you before the markets crashed???

maybe we can cram those kids back in...

alot of people lived responsibly and simply got screwed by the top 0.01 percent of the country and the boot licking politicians who allowed themselves to be bought for long enough to play out this scam... and thats what it was, a giant scam... these people are responsible for ruining millions of lives, yet not one is in prison??? where are your hardcore crime and punishment gun toters on that one blue???

not everyone who lost their shirt in 2008 were irresponsible homeowners living far beyong their means... a major MAJOR chunk of the losses came from estates, life savings and pensions... and these people did NOTHING wrong exept for believing in the american economical system... and for their loyalty they were kicked in the ass and when the money was all gone they couldnt even get a phone call returned... especially not from any of those cats who cashed out, by complete luck and the grace of GOD of course, ten minutes before the crash...